Side Extensions
Modern housing developers lay out their overall street and house pattern to maximise the number of units on the land. As land plots are irregular by their very nature you find that house plots to the extremities, at the end of streets and cul de sacs provide opportunities to extend to the side towards the development boundary.
If you are contemplating a side extension factors to consider at the outset are:
-Can you get access to the neighbouring land to erect scaffolding?
-Does you house plan permit circulation to the side. Where is your front door and stair in relation to the extension?
-Do you want to retain a link between your front and rear gardens?
-Consider designing foundations for an upper floor if you plan to erect single storey. Attic roof trusses can provide similar opportunities.
-Determine where the drainage runs from the back of the house.
-Are there any gas and water services under the ground.
Mark Anderson
Mark Anderson
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