Another initial consideration is the size of stair you will need. Under current Building Standards if you are going to have more than one room served by the new stair then it needs a wider stair than that needed for a single room. Therefore this will have a greater impact on the existing rooms on the floor below.
The creation of a protected enclosure can be frustrating for the home owner as it will affect parts of the house otherwise unaffected by the works. It will involve the installation of fire doors and may involve upgrading of partitions forming the protected enclosure where these do not meet the minimum fire resistance requirements (normally 30minutes). Depending on the route the stair takes it may also require localised upgrading of ceilings to rooms below.
The position of the stair itself is often determined by the pitch and configuration of the roof. The last riser on the flight needs to land at a position where there is a clear floor area (length x width) equal to the width of the stair with a headroom of no less than 2m.
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